As more people access their learning on their mobile a custom Branded Moodle Mobile App will benefit an organisation or institution (who use Moodle) to further communicate, engage and market their brand with their current and potential users.
Moodle is working with its certified Moodle Partners around the world to deliver the branded Moodle Mobile app.
Getting a custom Branded Official Moodle Mobile app is an easy process.
Simply get your Moodle Partner to provide Moodle HQ with your graphic assets, colours and some technical details on your Moodle site, and we will take care of the rest.
If you do not have a Moodle Partner, contact us so that we are able to help connect you with a Partner in your area.
Steps to getting your Branded Official Moodle Mobile App
1. Contact WIDE Services, and advise them that you’d like to access the Branded Official Moodle Mobile App.
2. Sign the contract from Moodle HQ (includes $10 000 payment for setup fee and first year’s management fee).
3. Provide WIDE Services with graphics, brand colours, Moodle site URL, application name and description and support URL.
4. WIDE Services schedules two workshops with you:
• one on app implementation strategies
• and another for course developers on key factors to consider when building courses for delivery on mobile.
5. Moodle HQ builds your App, working with WIDE Services to get final sign off.
6. Moodle HQ publishes your App to the App Store & Google Play.
7. As part of your yearly maintenance fee, Moodle HQ manages all updates and bug fixes and pushes any new features (every two months), in line with the Official Moodle Mobile App.
Στη WIDE Services δεν λέμε απλά ότι μπορούμε και ξέρουμε να προσφέρουμε υπηρεσίες, αποδεικνύουμε την εμπειρία και την αξιοπιστία μας με τις πιστοποιήσεις, τις επίσημες συνεργασίες με διεθνείς και εγχώριες εταιρείες και οργανισμούς και φυσικά με τα πλούσια βιογραφικά των experts της ομάδας μας! Ξέρουμε να πρωτοπορούμε στο elearning και γι’ αυτό διαφέρουμε και μας εμπιστεύονται...