
 210 4223330 Καλέστε την WIDE Services για πιστοποιημένες υπηρεσίες e-learning!

Moodle Partner

Moodle Partnership

Υπερήφανο μέλος της διεθνούς κοινότητας του Moodle, ως ο Moodle Certified Services Provider στην Ελλάδα,Κύπρο και Αλβανία

Moodle Partnership


Seperator 1

WIDE Services as a Moodle Partner – Premium Certified Services Provider provides specialized services in e-Learning, hosting, support and training, and takes a leading role in helping institutions and organizations move or upgrade their training platforms, to Moodle or Workplace.

MoodleMoot22 Day2

WideServices PMP

Why work with an official Moodle partner?

Seperator 1

The official Moodle partner will guide you, explain any tool, create new ones if you need, solve any problems, and clarify any questions. By using an official Moodle Partner as your service provider, you invest directly in the stability and future releases of the Moodle platform.

Moodle Partners also exclusively offer the Moodle Workplace, the Branded Mobile App and the Moodle Educator Certification (MEC)

Specialized Moodle Partner services

Hosting Icon   Hosting
Integration Icon Integrations
PartnerIcons Customisation Development
Support Icon  Support

Consulting Icon Counseling
Analytics Icon References
Courseware Icon Course planning
BrandedAppIcon Support And Training Education

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WIDE Services is proud as a Premium Moodle Partner and works with the Moodle community as part of its shared dream of keeping software free, open and user-friendly.

Moodle Premium Partners

Moodle Partners