WIDE Services as a Moodle Partner – Premium Certified Services Provider provides specialized services in e-Learning, hosting, support and training, and takes a leading role in helping institutions and organizations move or upgrade their training platforms, to Moodle or Workplace.

Why work with an official Moodle partner?
The official Moodle partner will guide you, explain any tool, create new ones if you need, solve any problems, and clarify any questions. By using an official Moodle Partner as your service provider, you invest directly in the stability and future releases of the Moodle platform.
Moodle Partners also exclusively offer the Moodle Workplace, the Branded Mobile App and the Moodle Educator Certification (MEC)
WIDE Services is proud as a Premium Moodle Partner and works with the Moodle community as part of its shared dream of keeping software free, open and user-friendly.
Moodle Premium Partners
- Accipio, United Kingdom
- Avetica, Netherlands, Belgium
- Catalyst IT Australia, Australia
- Catalyst IT Canada, Canada
- Catalyst IT Europe LTD, United Kingdom
- Catalyst.Net Limited, New Zealand
- e-learning co.,ltd., Japan, Singapore
- Edu Labs, Colombia
- Edu Labs Mexico, Mexico
- Edunao, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, Thailand
- Efaktor, Norway, Bulgaria
- eLeDia – eLearning im Dialog GmbH, Germany
- Enovation, France
- Enovation Poland, Poland
- Entornos Educativos, Argentina
- Eummena, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Belgium
- Human Logic Software LLC, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar Oman, Kuwait
- Insynergy Consulting (ISYC), Spain
- IThinkUPC, Spain
- Kaptiva, Brazil
- Liip AG, Switzerland
- MediaTouch 2000 srl, Italy
- Moxis, Denmark
- My Learning Space, Australia
- Nephila Web Technology, Philippines
- Synergy Learning, Germany
- Synergy Learning IE, Ireland
- Synergy Learning UK, United Kingdom
- SysBind, Israel
- Titus Ltd., United Kingdom
- Vextur, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
- WIDE Services, Greece
- Wide Services Albania, Albania, Greece
- Wide Services Cyprus, Cyprus
Moodle Partners
- Adapt IT, South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria
- ADAPTA, Brazil
- AOSIS (Pty) Ltd, South Africa
- BlackBean Technologies, Brazil
- Brain Station 23 Limited, Bangladesh
- Buen Data, Colombia
- Classroom Revolution, LLC, United States
- Click-AP Learning Technology Co., Ltd., Taiwan
- CNW System Integrator, Hungary
- Corporate Learning, Guatemala
- Dynamic Pixel, India
- E-Learn Design Ltd., United Kingdom
- E-Learning Touch’, France
- ed-rom, Portugal
- think modular, Austria
- TTRO, South Africa
- Videa EdTech Co., Ltd, Vietnam
- eDaktik GmbH, Austria
- Edupan, Panama
- Eiffel Corp, South Africa
- eLearning Software SRL, Romania
- Emprove, Mexico
- Enovation Solutions Ltd, Ireland
- GFarias, Brazil
- HRDNZ, New Zealand
- HUMAN SCIENCE Co., Ltd., Japan
- idef, Spain
- iLite CC, Mauritius
- Industria Elearning, Peru
- Ingenium digital learning, France
- PosBoss, Taiwan
- PragoData Consulting, s.r.o., Czechia
- Sparkfore, Sweden
- Inserver, Spain
- ioMagazine Ltd, Japan
- Knowledge Beam, Jordan
- lern.link GmbH, Germany
- Lesterhuis Training & Consultancy, Netherlands
- Lingel Learning, Canada, Australia
- MindFree, Chile
- NetSapiensis AB, Sweden
- Nomad Moodle Initiatives, India
- PC HELP, a.s., Czechia
- PCMan, Indonesia