WIDE Services is official reseller of Maths for More a mathematical software company. Easily create math equations and chemistry formulas using a visual editor. Handwriting in mobile and tablets. Integrated into leading LMS and word processors.
Computer based grading of math and science questions. Random parameters and graphics in your STEM quizzes.
Derive functions, simplify equations, factorize polynomials and much more. Graph math expressions. Start handwriting functions and geometrical objects in your tablet. Prepare your class material, save the work and share it.
Wiris Quizzes empowers your questions by adding:
- Random variables (such as polynomials, matrices, plots...)
- Automatic evaluation of the answers
- Graphical representations in 2D and 3D
- Students have a formula editor to introduce their answer
- Syntax check of the answer for open answers
Open questions, such as “Introduce a real number that is not a rational” (There are infinite correct and incorrect answers)
Στη WIDE Services δεν λέμε απλά ότι μπορούμε και ξέρουμε να προσφέρουμε υπηρεσίες, αποδεικνύουμε την εμπειρία και την αξιοπιστία μας με τις πιστοποιήσεις, τις επίσημες συνεργασίες με διεθνείς και εγχώριες εταιρείες και οργανισμούς και φυσικά με τα πλούσια βιογραφικά των experts της ομάδας μας! Ξέρουμε να πρωτοπορούμε στο elearning και γι’ αυτό διαφέρουμε και μας εμπιστεύονται...