The Initialize activity is a WIDE Services plugin of for Moodle.
Its objective is to delete course information relating to a user, holding a relevant history of grades before deleting. The native way of Moodle for course reset deletes everything for ALL registered users and NOT holding history gradebook. By initializing the plugin you will overcome these limitations of the platform.
The deletion comprises of:
- Marks quiz
- Attempts quiz
- Marks lesson
- Attempts lesson
- Marks scorm
- Atempts scorm
- Marks assignment
- Course completion data
Two ways to restart a course:
- Manually by the user
- Automatically at intervals indicated by the teacher
Two automatic deletion options:
- Based on the user's date of registration to the course
- Based on the day the user completed the course
After a restart there are options to:
- Send notification email to the teacher
- Delete the user is from specific groups
- Unenroll user
Ability to download history in the form:
- Csv
- Excel
- Html
- Json