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You have your own Data Center

 Organization and design of a hosting solution based on the existing technical infrastructure of the customer. The design will be based on different VM provided for this purpose in the customer's infrastructure.

A modern solution High Availability Servers with file and MySQL replication is suggested to ensure 100% uninterrupted operation of the system. The first VM acts as Master and is the page that is presented to user. Any change made to it (base and files) synchronizes directly the second with the right software and in the case of a failure of the original, the second undertakes users’ service automatically with loadbalancer and keepalive. It may use the loadbalancer present in the infrastructure of the client or alternatively WIDE Services will undertake to fully install and configure a loadbalancer to another VM.

There will also be regular database and site files Backup that can interoperate with existing Backup mechanisms of your company's servers.

The solution will be decided upon customer approval and depending on the infrastructure available by the company. WIDE Services will install and configure both VMs, by installing an operating system (Linux) and all the tools necessary for the operation of the platform (e.g. PHP, MySQL) providing security & platform performance optimization (hardening), backups’ definition etc. All this is recorded in the system maintenance technical manual. Preparing the server is the first and necessary step to make a proper installation of the software.

A testing environment (sandbox) to an independent third VM can be setup to enable training managers to test and experiment with the platform options. The testing environment will have the same configuration with the production site. If there is no possibility for a third VM for the Sandbox the configuration of the production VM or VM backup in a sub domain that is not visible to the public can be used.

In terms of hardware requirements of the VM, the resources that are available in the customer's infrastructure will be used, with minimum specifications the ones that are defined in global standards.

The servers are designed and configured according to the requirements and needs of a Moodle setup, and not just for hosting a single site, covering all operational optimization specifications that Moodle needs for the best performance and safety of the platform, which is always achieved by relevant special customization of the customers’platform.

Of course, other solutions can be designed in the customer’s infrastructure, always based on your needs.

WIDE Services - Moodle Certified Services Provider

In WIDE Services we do not simply say that we know and can provide services, demonstrate our experience and reliability, with the certifications, the official partnerships with international and domestic companies and organizations and of course with the rich CVs of our team experts! We know how to innovate in eLearning and that is why we are different and trusted...

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