Achieve the necessary conditions towards the implementation of the goals established on the EPBD recast (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, 2010/31/EU) regarding nearly Zero Energy Buildings
SWING project aims to create sustainable policies in Universities to enable disabled students to have equal access to learning environments and programmes. Partners collaborate in the development, selection, procurement and use of accessible IT and accessibility standards that will be available through the Accessibility Centres in Partner Countries: Morocco and Egypt.
Bringing together scientists and leading researchers from both academia and industry with an interest in the fields of Business Administration and Economics. The HOBA Conference will provide a unique opportunity to discuss both theoretical and practical challenges and to exchange and share experiences and research results about all aspects of these fields.
Ηellenic Centre of Mental Health and Research (E.KE.Ps.Y.E.)
E.KE.Ps.Y.E.'s e-learning platform, a complete and constantly evolving e-learning system that supports vocational training and lifelong learning in all its phases. Specialised Mental Health & Vulnerable Groups Training Programmes. Co-funded by Greece and the European Union.
Development Consortium “Messini”
Development of an active support and social inclusion policy for 80 unemployed beneficiaries.
Development Consortium “Enagron”
Development of an active support and social inclusion policy for 80 unemployed beneficiaries.
Capitalize on methods and tools that have been produced under other co-financed projects for zero waste management schemes at the municipal and regional level
Policy-makers and practitioners frequently don't have time to extract the most relevant information from complex and often lengthy research reports for their needs. In the context of ESPON, the ESPON Contact Points are well-placed to help with this, by identifying stakeholders' needs and communicating the relevant results to them. USESPON will allow ESPON Contact Points to create support materials and virtual learning environment (VLE) resources, as well as hold interactive events - all designed to make ESPON findings more accessible and easier to implement in practice.
Fully exploit the potential of motion-based playful learning experiences for children with disabilities.
Support teachers in adopting an inquiry approach in teaching science at second level (students aged 12-18 years) across Europe
Formative (e)assessment in primary and secondary schools is the prime focus of this project. PREATY stands for PRoposing modern E-Assessment approaches and Tools to Young and experienced in-service teachers. It aims to share ideas about formative assessment approaches and formative e-assessment tools with and amongst teachers.
Informing teachers about internet safety with the assistance of multimedia support material. Presenting ideas for activities for both teachers and parents to help students understand and protect themselves against the dangers of the internet.
Improving the skills of both professionals providing support to people with DS and parents, enriching their knowledge and thus contributing to the improvement of the educational practices they adopt.