Back to school 2022
- Details
- Category: WIDE Services News
- Published: Thursday, 01 September 2022 09:15

WIDE Training, starts the new academic year with a new cycle of educational programs, updated with the new version of Moodle 4.0!
WIDE Training, starts the new academic year with a new cycle of educational programs, updated with the new version of Moodle 4.0!
WIDE Services, as a Certified iSpring Partner and as part of its corporate social responsibility actions, with a solid intention to support and contribute to the proper preparation of eLearning professionals, proceeded, on behalf of iSpring Solutions, Inc., to the donation of 53 licenses.....
WIDE Services, as a Certified iSpring Partner and as part of its corporate social responsibility actions, with a solid intention to support and contribute to the proper preparation of eLearning professionals, proceeded, on behalf of iSpring Solutions, Inc., to the donation of 21 licenses....
WIDE Services and the WIDE E-Training Academy proudly announces its Partnership and embraces SCIENTIX’s STEM 2022 Discovery Campaign, a joint International Inititative starting back at 2009 and coordinated by European Schoolnet
«Safe Touch» is a program to prevent sexual abuse for children 5-9 years old. It is an initiative of the ELIZA...
WIDE Services received a higher level certification from iSpring...
Our team has published an article on how gamification can enrich a well-structured e-learning process by increasing learner engagement.